Friday, February 25, 2011


I send these tiny scraps of postmarked

stamp licked paper to family and friends;

sometimes they bear pictures of places

or humor, sometimes bearing the stain of

yellowed and aged paper holding emptiness.

On the back the small space allows for

minute bits of information, blips of communication;

an address.

Connections amount to no better than a pat on the shoulders, a

quick embrace, sometimes a slap on the head.

These minutias are bits of me for any that

care to read the outlines of my life and to

connect over the miles of space and tired trees and

even though you might not be able to decipher the scribble,

maybe a connection could happen-

a word, an image, even a laugh which would dive below

finger and eye, sinking beneath surfaces and we

might glance each other’s face.

“I wait for your


Richard W Smith

February 21, 2011

Life Dyads


Shattered Glass










Falling Apart
Pulling Together





Richard W Smith

February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Live In An Insane Asylum!

No insult intended.

I live in an insane asylum!

consciousness, the wheels of my

intentionality, the beating heart

the images of imagination are all medicated

rationalized and socialized in a constant system of

existing that is appalling

sickening and untrue.

TV eyes me every evening

programs and advertisements

full of empty unintelligent humor

driving me hypnotically to purchase some item

I’m convinced I “need”

all along this false desire

is useless. This unneeded item will be

replaced by technology in a few months

and it will perform much better

and for more money (or less)

doing what I didn’t need it to do to begin with.


instantly; unintelligible, inarticulate, incomprehensible.

No faces and pulsing blood needed, machine-talk

replacement for mind-talk, heart-chatter, saccharin for sugar.

Noise, now called music, in every corner of my

life banging and blearing, vibrating my insides

covering over any perception of life. Noise from traffic and

trains, footsteps pounding city pavement at high

decibels causing deafness, alluring my total

attention from the tragic

unjust and invisible nations and peoples

throughout the planet, imprisoning them at places

far from sight, only a 60 second blurb on the news

then forever forgotten.

Speed, a former drug in the 70’s, now an

addiction again, no stopping production or performance.

An elderly lady riding the same train for 30

years, back and forth for two hours, each way-not

alive, not alive! Rush, time-clock shuffle the dance

of faceless mega-companies, multinational hybrids

poaching and feasting on the unknowing speedsters.

Speed a way to mindlessly jog through an

unthinking, nonresponsive, numbness substitute

life into a dead end meaninglessness and a yard

all our own called “alienation.”

And lest you

imagine this asylum is only American

I assure you the halls of this place

extend throughout this Planet

and into all countries. This insanity is

toppled regimes and violence

where we sacrifice

lives for power and greed

kill each other “to get ahead”

try to outdo each other

like Cain and Abel

eventually killing each other

and constantly switching roles throughout history.

There is no political solution;

democracy or socialism,

of course not totalitarianism.

For these systems

are driven by human hearts;

broken, alienated,

estranged humans that will never be full,

unwilling to be healed

this people continues to drive the political.

Reminds me of an old actor, George Sands,

hung himself, left a note “Good by world, I’m

bored with you.” Other notes might be left; “I’m

afraid there’s no hope.” “I’m tired of hitting my head

on a wall eight hours a day seven days a week.”

Or the young married couple when asked about children replied,

“Who would bring a child into this world?”

The insanity can only be made palpable to those rich enough

 for the anesthesia: entertainment.

The great majority of the world’s

people cannot afford the drug

so they live their nightmare

from moment to moment

as characters in our movies.

The puddles remaining from this violent sea of insanity,

this hydrotherapy controlled by the status quo

sometimes puddles along the floor,

leaving possibilities in its aftermath

hopefully enough to nourish the rare

but not totally unseen

seeds of optimism.

Richard W Smith

February 15, 2011

The Weight of Christ

St Christopher stood seven foot five.

Seeker of servanthood; serving a King or following the Devil,

until he was found by a Child working

the dangerous river

bearing the travelers from side to side

sometimes on a terrifying journey.

Bearing the Child seemed so simple, so light

yet barely was the saint able to move between the shores

hardly could he lift those strong legs

to carry this traveler.

Shoulders bent, neck in pain, arms worn out

aching as he strode from shore to shore.

The child emerging from this hazardous journey

spoke of the weight on Christopher’s shoulders;

“The weight of the world from the Creator of the

World,” in response to Christopher’s lament

feeling as if he were bearing the weight

of the world.

Christ weights me down; wears me out,

sucks all my energy out from the struggle

of living life as a follower of the Child,

a curious and hopeful student

of this God-created world.

Sometimes madness wears my thoughts like a coat

covering me with the temptation of

things and wealth and amusement

turning me aside from a focused following.

Weighed down by Christ; trying to discover

ways to face society’s caged consciousness,

herd mentality (a la Kierkegaard) thoughts

in hypnotic trances that

fail my heart, often suffocating my desire

to be human

into robot-like playing with gadgets,

thinking of buying, buying, buying.

Christ weights me down

when all the minor notes, lesser gods

singing to me create illusions which I often mistake for truth.

Weighed down, deep down, by oppressive attention

and faulty perceptions enslaved into seeing reality or

what appears for reality until the

Child climbs across my shoulders and back

and journeys with me, travels

across the baptizing-stream throughout my lifetime

making reality hard and enabling the mud

to sift between my toes and it’s earth crust

and my ash to combine

transforming my servanthood

from the weightlessness of air to the weight of glory.

Richard W Smith

February 15, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Crawling Toward the Light

Life is surfacing, escaping, crawling toward the

light as the winter thaw arrives. Smashing the grip of

blizzard’s snow, the frozen arctic blasts which pain

the lungs, catching one in the intake. Puxatony Phil

clambers from his chamber, February forecasts,

looking, spying, stretching to see his shadow predicting

how much longer we all stay below; within the blankets,

the covering of snow, the warmth of stoves.

We seem to crawl towards the light as springtime

Approaches; searching for that shadow in our heart,

Begging for the thaw to release our chilled self (that

Doesn’t give a dam about much). Reaching and pawing,

maybe some Top Hat old man will raise us overhead and

declare that we have found our shadow and now are

free to embrace it and be done with the current freeze and

winter snows that encase our lives.

Richard W Smith

February 12, 2011

Egypt is Free Now

We watched the screen as people battled

for freedom. We are distracted, distant, not understanding

what had been thirty years of life beneath

the hand of a unsympathetic ruler, a non-Egyptian.

We onlookers stepped back, for the most part, still indulging

our habits, rituals, appetites, personal concerns

while the circle filled with brave people, young, old

workers, struggling to live, gave shout to their

frustration, resistance, an end-of-the-rope anger

standing together and against unjust power and wealth and

control and abuse and injustice and fears.

The long eighteen days filled with camaraderie and uncertainty, fears, confirmed as horses raced their terror

In the circle but left the people unchanged and more certain of their commitment. Those long days; rocks flying, fists smashing,

shouts and stand offs. Jobs abandoned, homes empty,

tents constructed, make-shift triage. The cost, the payment

for freedom is high, life threatening, no guarantees. Most

nations were bystanders from afar, hands off, watching with economic interests, fears of contagion and

political disease passing  throughout the east of the world. But revolution is no small act,

 no short term fix or unthought-of track. Who knows what might happen with this house-cleaning,

who knows whose hands will grasp the loose reigns of a country and government?

Most people never change! This individual revolution

is as rare as the revolution of a country. Some people

struggle, most stand under the self-regime

which has been ruling them for a lifetime, unaware.

Blind and inattentive to the hardships, injustice, oppression

in their own lives as they live within the power of self-rule.

Watching from the distance, outside themselves, an act rarely

attempted, and the reporters within, silenced, jailed so as

not to communicate the movement that is mounting deep

within. Fearful of the arousal and new consciousness which

might break through. So fearful and self-destructive is the movement

that the self totters in vertigo even at the whisper of  rebellion.

The ruler turns up the army’s vigilance and grants it extraordinary power to intimidate.

Maybe the ruler’s control comes with entertainment, shopping and gadgets

and devices for instant miscommunication, quick meals and wines, movies and warm houses.

The control comes like hypnotism from things and styles and GNP concerns, Wall Street gambling,

their  retirees futures guaranteed. This kind of human injustice, technologically driven,

is as oppressive and insidious as Egypt’s Mubarak.

No wonder they killed Jesus!

Richard W Smith

February 12, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Morton's Blizzard 2011

Winter’s blizzard blew in and covered roads

and homes and trees-and

filled the local arboretum up with snows

deeper than in many years of the


The white covering blew and flew throughout the

Woods and up hills and over ponds

down paths and up onto a few nests

and down into a couple of holes where fox hid out.

The storm was furious, exhaling in gusts,

some seventy miles an hour,

blowing recognition away its’ breath

showing only whiteness covering the earth,

with quick bursts of high energy that

withstood any attempts to stand upright and rigid in


So the trees, thousands of them, assorted

varieties, shook and bent and some even snapped

beneath the beating winds, the moist weight upon

their branches. Trees swayed and broke bitterly frozen

upon the ground, exhausted from the beating;

bearing so much snow, so much wind,

some stood silently, others screamed with

falls left over leaves

fluttering to death in voices of outrage.


currently sheltering beneath these mainstays of life

stoically huddled, nests and tiny bird feet clinging to

branches, held on and hoped for sun to rise soon.

The darkness covered the destruction, staying longer

this night than usual as the skies

clouded from the blizzard refused to release the day

resisting the morning light, gripping the earth, rocking the trees

separating branches and dragging them helplessly

through the shadows scattering them across the fields,

among the paths, around the buildings that huddled along

the ridge overlooking the destruction.

The aftermath revealed the next day were like

the dead upon a battlefield, without medics available.

No trees stood all were at least bent

overwhelmed with the weight of frozen snows,

some trees shattered and splintered; a foot or two of trunk

upright, the rest felled and covered again and again

by deep snow. So life was stopped, inactive, decimated

pieces and pieces of life wrecked and strewn across

the fields and over the paths

and yet despite the cloud filled grey sky,

despite the inability of caretakers to arrive and

heal the wreckage-Spring will resurrect the blossom

and the tree.

Richard W. Smith

February 10, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Flickering Mind

Flickering Mind

By Denise Levertov

Lord, not you,

it is I who am absent.

At first

belief was a joy I kept secret,

stealing alone

into sacred places:

a quick glance, and away-and back,


I have long since uttered your name

but now

I elude your presence.

I stop

to think about you, and my mind

at once

like a minnow darts away,


into the shadows, into gleams that fret

unceasing over

the river’s purling and passing.

Not for one second

will my self hold still, but wanders


everywhere it can turn. Not you,

it is I am absent.

You are the stream, the fish, the light,

the pulsing shadow,

you the unchanging presence, in whom all

moves and changes.

How can I focus my flickering, perceive

At the fountain’s heart

the sapphire I know is there?

On Being

These two poems were very meaningful to me today, thought I’d share them---

On Being

By Denise Levertov

I know this happiness

is provisional

                    the looming presences-

                   great suffering, great fear-

                   withdraw only

                   into peripheral vision:

but ineluctable this shimmering

of wind in the blue leaves:

this flood of stillness

widening the lake of sky:

this need to dance,

this need to knee:

                         this mystery: