Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Word of Surprise

We speak words

To each other often

Missing one another’s heart,

Frequently passing by in space and time

Unable to connect


Once in a while our words

Miss their mark

Yet something mysteriously happens

Despite our failure

Regardless of our intention.

Something deep from within consciousness

Unconsciousness, the depth of

Our connection to all things,

God included,

Rises upward to intercept these words

To become ignited, energized, made alive

And all of our life is changed

And all of our life is changed.

The inner person we were

The stance towards the world we lived within

Our disposition towards reality

Sudden laughter

Unending joy

Clear vision

Rapid heart-healing

Any and all of these results

Come to be

From a miscalculated word

Spoken, which drops into the well

Of unending consciousness and

Sets free the contents of our personhood

Sets free the contents of our personhood.

Richard W Smith

January 11, 2011

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