Saturday, April 2, 2011

Robin in the Way

Friday morning I was walking our dog, Big Mac, as I have been doing each morning for nearly twelve years.  Mac is a Westie (his picture's on this blog home page).  As we crossed the nieghborhood street going towards the tiny local stream I noticed a lot of Robins. 
Some Robins were in a tree, maybe a dozen of them, some were walking along the grass beneath the tree, and then there was one standing in the middle of the sidewalk.  These birds were well fed and loud.
Mac was busy sniffing and not payng much attention to the birds.  But I was attracted to this one Robin who stayed in the center of the sidewalk.  The bord looked right up at me, almost trying to stare me down.  I decided he/she would probably fly off when I got a little closer.  Which the Robin didn't do.  The bird stood his/her ground and watched me closely, almost defiantly.  Mac still didn't notice anything.
As I came up to him I flinched  (like in a game of Chicken) and the Robin stood still while I walked around him/her on the grass and Mac continued, unawares, in hsi scenting project for the morning.  I looked back in a few feet and there was the Robin, turned around, eyes glued to my back (now front).  I'm guessing this bird was the leader of the flock!!!

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