Friday, May 13, 2011

My Local Library

Every day or so

I sit by a tall window in our

local library; same seat,

same scene.

Three large evergreens,

grass below,

plenty of robins

squirrels, geese,

ducks, sparrows

and of course

pedestrians, as well as

cars squealing

stopping at the mailbox.


the raindrops slid

down the glass

highlighting the


as though

they had been painted

by an impressionist;

soft, quick dark strokes,

on a glass canvass

highlight with grey

background, white drifting

clouds causing

those forever

trees to be

outlined in beauty.

For this particular


I am grateful to be alive;

my spirit sings

my heart shed tears of joy

seeing this portion of

creation, feeling these

feelings and to

once again

sense that mystery

beneath all life.

Today I’m thankful

for the “living

of these days.”

Richard W. Smith

April 26, 2011

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