Saturday, December 4, 2010

We Return With Homeless Hearts

We return with homeless hearts
 our weary journeys have left us
 with no place to rest, to belong
 with no reference point for living life
 with no shelter from life's suffering.

Waiting Father
 at the horizens of life
 you search the future
 for your returning child.

Waiting Father
 we return so late
 but life needs to be
 tested and seen for

We return with broken hearts
 spirits barely alive.
 Coming in sad regret
 with hopes of a home
 a place of safety.

Christ of our hopes
 You are always there
 yet unseen by
 our selfish energy
 centered on being the
 "One" ourselves, being
 our own answer to our life.

Christ of our hopes
 we fail willfully
 to open our hearts
 to your gracious friendship
 your loving embrace.

We return with hearts imprisoned
 captive to sad decisions
 caged by unfree actions
 unable to break into
 acts of kindness and

Enabling Spirit of God
 you stand by with
 hand upon open door
 inviting and enabling our
 life to be whole and healed
 encouraging us to drink all of
 life from the cup you serve.

Enabling Spirit of God
 your energy and passion
 invade our lives and hearts
 causing us to be new
 someone different from the old mix
 of ingredients to our life.

But we return with homeless hearts
 our weary journeys have left us
 with no place to rest, to belong
 with no reference point for living
 with no shelter from life's pain.

Richard W Smith
March 2002

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