Saturday, January 29, 2011


There’s never been such a crew type of dog as

Huskies-jubilant, laughing, single-minded, and

Serious as they pull their sled

further, faster, running with boot covered paws

Along edges of mountains, across the “frozen tundra”

through miles of wilderness, between forests and out

across lakes frozen for months, and streams still

only half solid stuttering with trickles of

winter spigot of water.

Stamina never in question- pulling, all for joy!

Strong shoulders, thick fur,

working together, barking out their symphony

ready to move as they’re snapped into the

harness, no pausing, just unbridled energy.

“Look at me!!!” “Here I am!!!” “Come and join me!!!”

All grins and woofs inviting human notice,

Delighted in the attention, such openness, welcome, freedom.

Coats of all colors, eyes of blue and grey, fur

Bristling, those upright ears- all part of the package of a


Richard W Smith
January 29, 3011

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