Friday, January 21, 2011

Who Let the Snake In?

I’m wondering who let the snake in?

The one that moved into the Garden of Eden.

The one who cross examined Eve and

Challenged the arrangement with God.

God who walked with the loving couple in the cool of the evening;

Talking about their day.

God carrying on about what was created,

Adam & eve-how the gardening was going.

It was an excellent arrangement;

A & E did their living in the buff,

Endless days of relaxation; eating

Fruits, vegetables, all sorts of

Gardening goodies.

But, who let the snake in?

Things seemed to be working well.

The whole plan seemed wonderful-beyond imagining.

Harmony, peace, food enough for all, beauty,

Delicious sounds in chorus-

Exercise and play, someone to share

Your life with, curiosity and discovery all

Within certain boundaries.

The age of innocence, a sense of purity,

A fresh clean piece of paper to write on-

No headaches, broken bones, and someone-

A third someone who could be talked to;

Who really listened and

Actually had some answers-

So who let the snake in?

Was the snake always there? I mean, did the snake

Exist prior to the Garden? Did the snake get prior

Directions from the Creator on this little trick to be played

On the two “gullible” humans, the earth-people?

Was the snake overlooked in creation’s creatures?

Who stuck such an attitude into the rascal

And let him loose. Why did it take so long for

the snake to show up, and was this timed?

Was the snake evil or just have a little authority

Problem, a stiff resistance to orders?

Was the snake maybe good at learning through

the Socratic Method, possibly like a man named

Thomas who would show up later in human history?

Were these two humans unable to ask questions, think for

Themselves, pay attention to reality, life?

Who let the snake in?

Now here’s the real issue-

Didn’t the creator know about this creature-the snake?

If this was to be a “perfect” world, by an all

Knowing, all powerful creator

Why was the snake overlooked and who let

The snake in? I’m certainly not

Being rebellious here with traditional

Teachings, but I wonder who let the old

Slippery skin snake into our party and allowed

The snake to destroy the good thing we had going?

Sometimes I wonder, “Maybe the snake wasn’t

Really evil, I mean what kid who breaks his/her parents rules

Is considered bad and tossed out of the house and

Made to pay over and over again for this one indiscretion?

Maybe God let the snake in-I’ll get in trouble for that

Terrible thought. I’ll probably have some bad dreams for “A

“Month of Sundays.” Maybe if the Creator is so touchy

being asked questions or having some one of the Creatures

raise some questions or issues about how things seem to be

working out, just maybe the Creator is a little thin skinned.

So I leave you with this little question; actually it is

A big question, an unanswerable question, “Who

let the snake in?” Maybe later we’ll ask---why?

Richard W Smith

January 21, 2011

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